Johann Wolfgang von Goëthe
Engraving courtesy of  The Noel Collection
Register Now!

To register by phone, call the University of Arkansas Center for Continuing Education at 501-575-3604 or 800-952-1165 and ask for Claudia, who will take down your credit card information. Let her know whether you want meat, fish, or a vegetarian meal for the gala dinner on March 3. If you are planning to take advantage of the shuttle service from the airport, please tell her so she can estimate how many vehicles will be needed.

Or send in the form below:
(for a more printer-friendly version, click here)

Fax to 501-575-7232, marked Attn: Claudia, or mail to Claudia Cochrane at the University of Arkansas Division of Continuing Education, 2 East Center Street, Fayetteville AR 72701. Include either a check or credit card information. The conference registration fee is $130 and is all-inclusive, covering events, scheduled banquets, transportation, and SCSECS annual dues.

If you want to bring a friend to Eureka Springs, the fee is $40 for the excursion and banquet only. Make sure you specify what the extra $40 is for.

A late registration fee of $15 will be charged for registration forms received after February 16, 2001.

Sign me up for SCSECS 2001!







Daytime Phone___________________________________________

Credit card type, number, exp. date________________________________________________

CIRCLE ONE:    Meat   Fish   Vegetarian
Need transportation to/from the airport?    Yes   No

If you are paying by check, make the check out to University of Arkansas.

We can take Visa, MasterCard, or Discover cards.

No printer available? Claudia will also accept cards, letters, messages in bottles, or any other method currently available for the dissemination of written correspondence, but don't forget to tell her what the check is for (SCSECS Registration) and to include your preferred mailing address and daytime phone number.

Please note: SCSECS is the first eighteenth-century society to offer a policy where one three-day conference earns a participant a full year's membership with all the privileges and perquisites attendant on that status. What a revolutionary deal!

If you wish to renew your membership without attending the conference, mail a check for $15 along with your name, address, and e-mail address to Kathleen Holcomb, Department of English, Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX, 76909.

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Gratuitous portrait of Napoleon from the Noel Collection
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SCSECS Webmistress: Susan Spencer, University of Central Oklahoma