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title: Worlds of the Eighteenth Century
SCSECS 2004 Program
Santa Fe, New Mexico

FEB 26, 2004

FEB 27, 2004

FEB 28, 2004
FEB 29, 2004

Luncheon Plenary

Lunch on your own
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Dinner on your own

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image: woman with scroll
Thursday, February 26, 3:00-4:30 pm

"New Approaches to Overlooked Texts in the Long 18th Century." (I). Chair: Colby Kullman, University of Mississippi

    Mimi Gladstein, University of Texas at El Paso. "Aphra Behn Beyond The Rover: Behn's Imagining of Women's Space and Range."
    Rebecca Jordan, Washburn University. "Bathsua Makin and Female Education."
    Mary Sue Ply, Southeastern Louisiana University. "The Heroic Joseph and the Egyptian 'Other': Elizabeth Singer Rowe's The History of Joseph as an Oriental Tale."

"Anglo-Saxon Studies at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century." Chair: Ann Van Arsdall, University of New Mexico

    Timothy Graham, University of New Mexico. "The Oxford Saxonists."
    Karmen Lenz, University of New Mexico. "Christopher Rawlinson's Edition of King Alfred's Translation of Boethius."
    Shannon McCabe, University of New Mexico. "George Hickes and his Thesaurus."

"Approaches to Non-Western Texts and Contexts in the Eighteenth-Century Classroom." Chair: Mary Rooks, Lock Haven University

    Don Reese, Albuquerque Academy. "Broad Path into a Narrow Understanding: Haiku Beyond the Wet, Black Bough."
    Shari Evans, University of New Mexico. "Cherry Blossoms and the Floating World: Teaching an Aesthetics of Impermanence in Saikaku's 'What the Seasons Brought to the Almanac Maker.'"
    Kristin Hague, Mesa State College. "Situating Elizabeth Hamilton's Letters of a Hindoo Rajah: Localizing the Foreign as Narrative Strategy."
    Mary Rooks, Lock Haven University. "Classroom Approaches to Cao Xueqin's Story of the Stone."

"Pope, Franklin, and the Problem of Reputation." Chair: C. Earl Ramsey, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

    C. Earl Ramsey, University of Arkansas at Little Rock. "Pope, Franklin, and the Problem of Reputation."
    R. Paul Yoder, University of Arkansas at Little Rock. "Pope's Reputation."
    Colin T. Ramsey, Appalachian State University. "Franklin's Reputation."


Thursday, February 26: 5:00-6:00
Plenary Address - Sunset Room

Clement Hawes, Pennsylvania State University

"Immanent Critique: The World of Samuel Johnson."

Thursday, February 26: 6:00-7:30
Welcoming Reception in the Eldorado Court

image:  The Great Cham



image: AthenaFriday, February 27, 8:30-10:00 am

"Classical Imitation and Influence in the Long 18th Century." Chair: Robert Barnett, Franklin and Marshall College

    Susan Spencer, University of Central Oklahoma. "A Novel Idea?: Hellenistic Echoes in the Early Eighteenth-Century Novel."
    John Burke, University of Alabama. "Dryden and Greek Myth: The Case of Dryden's Amphitryon."
    Robert Olson, Lamar Technical University. "How Swift and Goethe Used Baucis and Philemon."

"Art and Architecture in the Long 18th Century." Chair: Connie Capers Thorson, University of New Mexico

    Paul Young, Georgetown University. "Reflecting (on) Pleasure: The Mirror in the Eighteenth-Century French Libertine Novel."
    Margaret Wye, Rockhurst College. "Defining Moments: Georgian Architecture and Jane Austen in the Long Eighteenth Century."
    Patrick Brady, University of Tennessee at Knoxville. "Raising Skirts, Raising Eyebrows, Making Us Think: Fragonard's Rococo Swing Prefigures The Sound and the Fury."
    Jan Widmayer, Boise State University. "Painters Read Poets: Constable, Turner, and James Thomson's The Seasons.

"The Novels of Samuel Richardson." Chair: Isabella Bornet, Santa Fe Community College

    Ashley Bender, University of North Texas. "I, Me, Mine: Changes in Self-Representation between Richardson's First and Fourteenth Editions of Pamela."
    Linda Kane Scott, New Mexico Military Institute. "The Inheritance Novel: The Power of Strict Settlement Language in Clarissa, Evelina, and Pride and Prejudice.
    Judith Mesa-Pelly, Austin Peay State University. "Reforming the Rake: The Horror of Sexual Difference."

"Eighteenth-Century American Studies" Chair: Robert C. Leitz III, Louisiana State University, Shreveport

    David Crosby, Alcorn State University. "Sources for Protestant Martyrologies in Colonial American."
    Thorne Compton, University of South Carolina. "Theatre, Moral Purpose, and the American Civic Conscience: John Witherspoon's Legacy."
    James Bell, Rothermere American Institute, Oxford University. "Imperial Links of Colonial American Anglican Clergymen in the late 17th Century in the Pay of the Secret Service and the Treasury Department."


image: sea deitiesFriday, February 27, 10:15-11:45 pm

"Art in the Long Eighteenth Century." Chair: Diane Menagh, Fairfield University

    Marianne Woods, University of Texas at Permian Basin. "Fixed in Wax: Early American Portraits."
    Peter H. Pawlowicz, East Tennessee State University. "Women Reading: Richard Cosway's Mrs. Joseph Smith."
    Lynn Schibeci, University of New Mexico. "A World of Business and Pleasure: Art in Transaction at Christie's Auction House in late 18th-Century London."

"Heroes and Heroines in Jane Austen." Chair: Janet Aikins, University of New Hampshire

    Kit Kincade, Indiana State University. "The Life in my Men: A Look at Jane Austen's Heroes."
    Robert Dryden, Hillyer College, University of Hartford. "Lucky to be a Lady Tonight: Jane Austen's Precarious Idealization of Naval Heroes in Persuasion."
    Jim Springer Borck, Louisiana State University. "Austen's Absolutes: Losing the Argument against Gravity and Masculine Patriarchy."

"Jonathan Swift" Chair: James L. Thorson, University of New Mexico

    Kyle Dickson, Abilene Christian University. "Fiddlers, Bricklayers, and Poets: Scriblerian Patronage in the Shadow of Burlington House."
    Suzanne Poor, Seton Hall University. "Both Sides Now, Swift's Attack Against Women, Or is it? Find the Answer in The Clouds."
    Todd Parker, DePaul University. "Dean Swift's Theology of Poverty."

"Pique, Anger, Rage, and Corrosive Cynicism: A Celebration." Chair: Baerbel Czennia, Universitaet Goettingen

    Marilyn Morris, University of North Texas. "Anna Larpent's Sharp Quill."
    David Mazella, University of Houston. "'An old, rancorous, incorrigible instrument of sedition': Ferret's Cynical Misanthropy in Sir Launcelot Greaves (1760-1762)."
    Carolyn Woodward, University of New Mexico. "Sarah Fielding, Jane Collier, and the Fine, Fine, SuperFine Art of Tormenting."

Friday, February 27: 12:00-1:00
Annual SCSECS Luncheon - Sunset Room

image: Jonathan Swift

Friday, February 27: 1:00-2:00
Plenary Address
Louise K. Barnett, Rutgers University

"Was He or Wasn't He? Swift and Misogyny"


image: man at table

Friday, February 27, 2:30-4:00pm

"Music in the Long 18th Century" Chair: Greg Barnett, Rice University

    James Griesheimer, Luther College. "The Reverend Edward Finch (d. 1738): England's Man of Many Parts."
    Gloria Eive, St. Mary's College of California. "Musical Style and Popular Demand-The Ins and Outs of Mid-Century Fashion."
    James M. McGlathery, University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. "Erotic Love in Mozart's Magic Flute."
"The Generations of 18th-Century Scholars" Chair: Kevin Cope, Louisiana State University
    Alex Pettit, University of North Texas.
    Kathryn R. King, University of Montevallo
    David Venturo, The College of New Jersey.
    J. T. Scanlon, Providence College.

"Eighteenth-Century Women Writers (I)" Chair: Alice Cushman, Tarleton State University

    Amy E. Harris Tan, University of Houston. "Matriarchal Machinations in Rebecca Rush's Kelroy."
    Elizabeth Bennett, University of North Texas. "Divergent Paths to Virtue in the Lives and Writings of Elizabeth Carter and Catherine Talbot."
    Sarah D. Spence, Southeastern Louisiana State University. "Fanny Burney and Mary Wollstonecraft: Female Difficulties and Feminism."

"David Hume (I)" Chairs: Eva Dadlez and James Mock, University of Central Oklahoma

    J. Carl Ficarotta, U. S. Air Force Academy. "Does 'Hume's Law' Depend on the Analytic/Synthetic Distinction?"
    Ken Buckman, University of Texas-Pan American. "Hume's Worlds of Taste."
    James W. Mock, University of Central Oklahoma. "Hume's Aesthetics."
    Eva Dadlez, University of Central Oklahoma. "Hume on Eloquence."


image: seashellFriday, February 27, 4:15-5:45 pm

"Scientific Thought in the Long 18th Century" Chair: Connie Capers Thorson, University of New Mexico

    Nicole Boucher, University of New Mexico. "Ideal Scientific Communities: Bacon, The Royal Society, and Lyotard."
    Catherine L. Hobbs, University of Oklahoma. "Vico's Sublime Rhetorical Science."
    Birgit Schmidt-Rosemann, University of New Mexico. "A Spiritual Kiss: Female Imagination as an alternate to Female Reproduction in Margaret Cavendish's The Blazing World."

"David Hume (II)" Chairs: James Mock and Eva Dadlez, University of Central Oklahoma

    Michael F. Patton, Jr., University of Montevallo. "Hume on Irreducible Complexity."
    Darian C. DeBolt, University of Central Oklahoma. "Hume, Humor, and Design Arguments."
    Gregory L. Reece, University of Montevallo. "Hume and the Eternity of the World."
    Arthur F. Stewart, Lamar University. "David Hume and Charles S. Peirce, Part III: Religion, Knowledge, and Habit."

"Eighteenth-Century Women Writers (II)" Chair: Alice Cushman, Tarleton State University

    Jacqueline Stocker, University of New Mexico. "Defamiliarization in Oroonoko: The Construction of the Narrator."
    Marilyn Robitaille, Tarleton State University. "Oroonoko: After all These Years, He's Still a Man's Man."
    Jeanetta Calhoun, University of Oklahoma. "'Double Horrors': Gender Performance, Sublime Poetics, and Hester Mulso Chapone's 'Written during a violent Storm at Midnight, 1749.'"
"George Friedrich Handel" Chair: Todd C. Parker, DePaul University
    Greg Barnett, Rice University. "Handel before he was Handel?: Early 18th-Century Church Arias and the Disputed Gloria."
    Warren Kelly, University of Mississippi. ""Some Considerations Regarding Handel's Selection of Orlando Furioso as an Operatic Subject-Text in 1732."
    Todd Parker, DePaul University. "Handel in England: 1710-1714."



image: Inca emperor AtahualpaSaturday, February 28, 9:00-10:30 am

"New Approaches to Overlooked Texts in the Long 18th Century" (II) Chair: Jennifer Naimark, University of Northern Colorado

    David Robinson, Oregon State University. "Crevecoeur's Uncollected New World Essays: Collected Considerations."
    Robert C. Steensma, University of Utah. "The Adventures of Jonathan Corncob: A 1787 British Satire on America."
    Colby Kullman, University of Mississippi. "The Explosion of Popular Culture Satiric Motifs in Richard Cumberland's The West Indian."
    Paul McCallum, Pittsburg State College. ""Old Sinners Whip'd to Appetite: Rakes, Poets, and Poetic Authority in the Restoration Playhouse."
"The Nothing that Is: Narrative Gaps and Textual Absences in the Long 18th Century." Chair: Sheila Hwang, Webster University
    Toni Mantych, University of California, Santa Barbara. "Patching the Gaps: Nonlinear Narrative in Jane Barker's Patchwork Screen for the Ladies."
    Jennifer Frangos, Texas Tech University. "Recommending Secrecy: Sexual Absences and Textual Practices in Pamela and Evelina."
    Michael S. Holko, SUNY Stony Brook. "'Is Silence Death?': Feeling the Abyss in Byron's Manfred and Cain."

"Gender and Nationalism in the Long 18th Century (I)" Chair: Judith Mesa-Pelly, Austin Peay State University, and Scarlet Bowen, University of Colorado-Boulder

    Melissa Adams, Indiana University. "Teaching Alternative Forms of Citizenship: Imagined Communities of Sympathetic Identification in Susanna Rowson's Charlotte Temple."
    Sara K. Davis, George Washington University. "Foreign Spaces and the Signification of Heimlich: Montagu, Wollstonecraft, and Burney."
    Elizabeth Johnston, West Virginia University. "'The Remote Cause of My Love': Female Rivalry and the Threat of Miscegenation in Maria Edgeworth's Belinda."
"The Gothic: An Open Forum" Chairs: Fred Frank, Worldwide Gothicist, and Kevin Cope, Louisiana State University
    Megan Conway, Louisiana State University in Shreveport. "Amoral, Immoral, or Just Plain Wicked: convents in the Novels of the French Enlightenment."
    Jan Wellington, Utah Valley State College. "Gothicizing in Reverse."
    Ann Tracy, SUNY-Plattsburgh. "Thoughts on the Gothic from a Practicing Gothic Writer."
    Fred Frank, Worldwide Gothicist. "A Concordance of Bosoms: Reconstructing Lewis's Monk.
    Carolyn Jewel, Sonoma State University. "Eleanor Sleath, Reconsidered."

image: Romantic landscape with shipSaturday, February 28, 10:45-12:15 pm

"Imagining Peace in the Long 18th Century" Chair: Kathryn R. King, University of Montevallo

    Bruce Mayer, Lynchburg College. "In Defense of Peace at Versailles: Fenelon's Telemaque."
    Michael J.Schwartz, Yeshiva University. "Love is a Battlefield, or the Epic Dimension of 18th -Century Peace."
    Kathryn R. King, University of Montevallo. "Eliza Haywood, Political Journalism, and Transnational Awareness."
"The Romantic Novel: Recovered Texts, New Approaches" Chair: Lisa Wilson, Winona State University
    Sharon M. Setzer, North Carolina State University. "The Politics of Poison in the Novels of Mary Robinson."
    Samantha Webb, University of Montevallo. "Calling All Domestic Goddesses: Food as Trope in Late 18th-Century Novelistic Discourse."
    Lisa M. Wilson, Winona State University. "Reader Identification and the Self-Conscious Narrator in the Romantic Novel."
"Gender and Nationalism in the Long 18th Century (II)" Chairs: Judith Mesa-Pelly, Austin Peay State University, and Scarlet Bowen, University of Colorado-Boulder

    Lars O. Erickson, University of Rhode Island. "Identity and Nation in Ourika."
    Geri Friedman, Purdue University. "Siting Women's Intimacy: The Ladies of Llangollen and the Construction of Place."
    Srividhya Swaminathan, Long Island University. "Female Sensibilities: Women's Abolitionist Poetry and the Development of British National Character."

"New Approaches to Overlooked Texts (And Samuel Johnson) in the Long 18th Century" (III) Chair: Nicole Boucher, University of New Mexico

    Kenneth Ericksen, Linfield College. "Creative Disharmony: Grand Pianos, Urinals, Lord Monboddo, and Johnson."
    Andrew Franta, University of Utah. "The Geographical Plot of Johnson's Life of Savage."
    Heather Lobban-Viravong, Grinnell College. "History, Epistolary, and the Shifting boundaries of the Public and Private in Sophia Lee's The Recess: or A Tale of other Times.

Saturday lunch on your own


image: Jane Austen

Saturday, February 28, 1:45-3:15


"The Political Jane Austen" Chair: Amy E. Harris Tan, University of Houston

    Kathryn Duncan, Saint Leo University and Michael Stasio, University of Tampa. "An Evolutionary Approach to Austen: Sexual Politics in Pride and Prejudice."
    Rory Wallace, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Vancouver. "Land of Love, or Love of Land: Law, Love, and Landscape in Jane Austen."
    David McWilliams, Adams State College. "Colonial Subject, Colonial Territory, and the Regulation of Chaos: Domestic Imperialism in Maria Edgeworth's Belinda and Jane Austen's Mansfield Park."

"Questions in French Literature in the Long 18th Century" Chair, Patrick Brady, University of Tennessee

    Susan Harvey, Cogswell Polytechnical College. "Strangers on Parnassus: Representation of La Parodie and La Critique in Two Opera-Comiques from 18th Century France."
    Lorraine Piroux, Rutgers University. "Diderot's 'Volumes of Writing'."
    Marie-France Rouart, Universite de Nancy. "The Novel of the Myth by the Denial of the Myth: Odin's Story Revised and Cultivated in the Biblioteque Universelle des Romans, 1789."

"What's Novel about the Novel?: Narrative, Patterns, and Narrative Patterns in the 18th Century" Chair: Margo Collins, Iona College

    Rebecca Hanson, University of North Texas. "Laughing and Crying: Narrative as Affective Control in Evelina."
    Margo Collins, Iona College. "Burney's Objects and Objectives: Material Culture in Evelina."
    Kathy Strong, University of Southern California. Fictional Finery: Weaving Plot in Pamela."
    Margaret Case Croskery, Ohio Northern University. "A Feminine Phenomenology: Eliza Haywood, Martha Nussbaum, and Henry Fielding

"Daniel Defoe and Henry Fielding" Chair: Kathleen Holcomb, Angelo State University

    Bill Harris, University of Texas at Brownsville. "Daniel Defoe's Memoires of a Cavalier: A Study in the Prominence of the New Military in an Early 18th-Century Novel."
    Julie Chappell, Tarleton State University. "'While I was in this Disguise': The Realities of Moll Flanders and Margery Kempe."
    Brett McInelly, Brigham Young University. "Virtue, the Sexiest Thing: Fielding's Critique of Methodism, Pamela, and Womanhood in Shamela."

image: Arc de TriompheSaturday, February 28, 3:30-5:00

"Looking at French Society in the Eighteenth Century." Chair: Carolyn Woodward, University of New Mexico

    Michael Winston, University of Oklahoma. "The Arts of Remaking the Nation: Conjugal Hygiene Literature in Post-Revolutionary France."
    Barbara Whitehead, Depauw University. "Women in Casanova's Icosameron: A Libertine's Nightmare?"
    Johanna Danciu, University of Toronto. "Dissimulation strategies in the Conveyance of Anticlerical Thought within the Boundaries of Diderot's and d'Alembert's Encyclopedie."

"The Political Jane Austen" (II) Chair: Amy E. Harris Tan, University of Houston

    Joan R. Vredenburgh, BOOST Program, U. S. Navy, Newport, Rhode Island. "His and Hers: The Politics of Domestic Space in Austen's Novels."
    Kathy G. Fellers, Virginia Tech University. "The Crumbling Foundations of the 'Elliot Pride': Domestic Politics in Jane Austen's Persuasion."
    Dawn Pawlowski, Eastern Illinois University. "What's Love Got to do With it?: Jane Austen's Rejection of the Regency Period's Matrimonial Beliefs."

"Restoration and 18th-Century Theatre: Theory and Practice." Chair: LuAnn Venden, Walla Walla College

    Jay Oney, Furman University. "'Finding a Place for Virtue-The Playwriting Career of Catherine Trotter."
    Debra Leissner, North Texas University. "Alliance, Filiation, and Gay's Farewell to Merry Olde England in The Beggar's Opera."
    J. Karen Ray, Washburn University. "The Countess of Winchelsea on the London Theatre World."
    Scott Black, Villanova University. "Wit, Sex, and Homosocial Play from Wycherley to Etherege and Back Again."

"Queering the Long 18th Century." Chair: James Kim, Pomona College
    Leslie Jansen, University of Maryland. "Female Masculinity in Evelina"
    Sarah Jordan, Albion College. "Queer Sexuality and Libertine Power in Rochester and Byron."
    James Kim, Pomona College. "Sentimental Irony, Heternormativity, and the Work of Mourning: Queering The Vicar of Wakefield."


image:  Gabe Hornstein making a grand entranceSaturday, February 28: 8:30 p.m.
AMS Press

Gala Reception

Details to be Announced

Your Host:
Gabriel Hornstein,


image:  somebody creating somethingSunday, February 29, 9:00-10:30

"Creative Projects: London in the 18th Century." Chair: Susan Spencer, University of Central Oklahoma

The Projectors:
Charlotte Gibeson and Amber Wooten, University of Central Oklahoma. "Brick Town Pamphlet Wars."
Christopher Shaneyfelt and Donisha Childs, University of Central Oklahoma. "Architecture, Civic Planning, and Gardens: A Video Presentation."
Caryl Bishop, University of Central Oklahoma. "Miscellany of Johnson's London: A Book of Days."
Amy Lawrence and Jasmine Mulliken, University of Central Oklahoma. "Throwing at Cocks and Blanketing Your Neighbor: Test Your 18th-Century Knowledge."

"Philosophy and Literature in the Long 18th Century" Chair: TBA

    Daniel Shannon, DePauw University. "The Atheism Controversy in German Philosophy at the End of the 18th Century: Holderlin's Defense of Lessing Against Jacobi and Fichte's Political Folly."
    Elson Bond, Fordham University. "Trans-Atlantic Sentiments: British and American Theories of Moral Epistemology."
    Judith Mueller, Franklin and Marshall College. "What is a Creature? Blake and the Debate over Non-Human Redemption."
    Kathleen Holcomb, Angelo State University and Charles Stuart-Robertson, University of New Brunswick, "Calvinism and the Heated Imagination: Or, 'True as Holy Writ' Finds Pleasure in the Scottish Imagination."
"Marriage and Other Arrangements in the Long 18th Century"("Overlooked Texts IV") Chair, Colby Kullman, University of Mississippi
    Fritz-Wilhelm Neumann, Universitaet Erfurt. "Matrimonial Power Games-Matrimonial Ties: The Popularity of New Ward's Writings on Marriage Issues in the Long 18th Century."
    Frieda Koeninger, Sam Houston State University. "Charles IV of Spain: New Perspectives on the Cuckolded King and His Long-Suffering Queen."
    Laura T. Wood, North Texas University. "'A State that Should Always be a Matter of Choice': Reconsidering 18th-Century Marital Priorities."
"Some Questions in the Book Trade and Editing Modern Editions in the Long 18th Century." Chair: James L. Thorson, University of New Mexico
    Al Coppola, Fordham University. "The Secret History of Eliza Haywood's Works: A Study of the Book Trade."
    James L. Thorson, University of New Mexico. "Some Problems in Editing Newsletters in the Era of the Popish Plot."
    Lars Troide, McGill University. "Textual Problems in the Journals and Letters of Frances Burney."


image: Sarah SiddonsSunday, February 29, 10:45-12:15

"Shakespeare: 18th-Century Responses." Chair: Cheryl Fresch, University of New Mexico

    Marga Munkelt, Universitaet Muenster. "Annotations in 18th-Century Editions of Shakespeare."
    Joy Currie, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. "Usurping Shakespeare: Authority, Emotion, Politics, and Character in Charlotte Smith's Poetry."
    Steven Gores, Northern Kentucky University. "Bastardizing the Bard: John Lee's 'Literary Murders.'"
    Ayanna Thompson, University of New Mexico. "What the 18th Century Taught Us About Shakespeare."
"The Igneous 18th Century: Fires, Explosions, Eruptions, and Other Hot Events and Instruments in the Ever-Longer 18th Century." Chair: Kevin Cope, Louisiana State University
    Baerbel Czennia, Universitaet Goettingen. "Pyrotechnical Delights: Fireworks in the Long 18th Century."
    Christiane Hertel, Bryn Mawr College. "Volcanic Displacement."
    Monsignor William Lemuel Greene, The Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge. "Frying Pans, Camp Fires, and Cultural Gumbo: Religion and Regime Interchange in Early Louisiana (Or, Is the Treaty of Paris Burning?)"
"18th-Century Gardens and Gardening" Chair: Melissa Morphew, Sam Houston State University
    Kandi Tayebi, Sam Houston State University. "Cultivating the Female Garden: 18th-Century Women's Poetry."
    Lorena Sins, Dalton College. "The Fruitful Wilderness and the Barren Garden: Love and Lust in Racine's Phaedra."
    Melissa Morphew, Sam Houston State University. "Eden in (Dis)Order: The Conflicted Garden in Phillippe Rousselot's The Serpent's Kiss."
"Some English and American Women Writers" Chair: Deborah Currie, University of Central Oklahoma
    Julie Shaffer, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh. "The New Britannia: Feminizing English History in Mary Charlton's Andronica."
    Tracy Wendt, University of Tulsa. "Rowlandson the Radical."
    Rima Abunasser, University of North Texas. "Sovereign Fantasies: Defensive Self-Fashioning in Penelope Aubin's The Strange Adventures of the Count De Vinevil and His Family."

image:  man with scary-looking fish

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